


VAMOK board

The administration and executive authority of VAMOK are exercised by the board. VAMOK’s board consists of elected representatives, who must be students of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and members of the student union. The members of the board are elected by VAMOK’s representative council during their organizational meeting in the latter part of the year. This role requires dedication and commitment, as the student union’s activities are extensive, active, and diverse. Responsibilities are divided into sector-specific roles as well as collective actions that involve the entire board. The board’s term lasts for one calendar year.

Duties of the board:
  • Leading the student union’s activities in accordance with the representative body’s guidelines and directives
  • Represent the student union
  • Preparing matters for the representative body’s consideration
  • Collect membership fees
  • Manage the finances and fundraising of the student union
  • Maintain the student union’s membership register
  • Organize events and strengthen the student community at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences
  • Provide student sports activities for Vaasa University of Applied Sciences students
  • Overseeing student tutoring

The chairperson serves as the supervisor for the board and the executive director. The chairperson has ultimate responsibility for the board’s activities.

The vice chairperson, chosen from among the board members, acts as a partner to the chairperson and assumes the chairperson’s responsibilities when they are unavailable, in addition to their other duties.

The starting point of educational affairs activities is to bring students’ perspectives to the awareness of the school administration, thereby ensuring that students can influence their own learning environment. The advocacy coordinator responsible for educational affaris, in collaboration with the chairperson, monitors structural developments in education and responds as needed.

Social affairs activities focus on ensuring the conditions for studying: in order to study full-time, students need accommodation, sufficient income (study grants), food, and healthcare. The student union monitors these conditions, informs students about any changes, and, if necessary, raises any issues that arise. The advocacy coordinator responsible for Well-being also organizes events related to well-being, such as the annual Well-being Week.

The university of applied sciences’ peer tutoring falls under the purview of the student union. The selection, training, and coordination of peer tutors are the responsibility of the tutor coordinator. The tutor coordinator collaborates closely with the international affairs coordinator

The international affairs coordinator is responsible for recruiting and training exchange student tutors in collaboration with the tutoring coordinator. Additionally, the international affairs coordinator’s tasks include organizing the optional Finland 101 course aimed at international students.

Events are one of the most visible aspects of the student union’s activities. Events generally includes all evening events organized by the student union. The implementation and promotion of these events are the responsibility of the event coordinator on the student union’s board.

The task of the Sports and Leisure time Coordinator is to ensure the functionality of the sports shifts offered by the student union, including acquiring responsible individuals for the sports shifts who take care of the necessary equipment during the shifts. The Sports and Leisure Coordinator is also responsible for organizing and implementing sports trials and other leisure-related events

The Communications Coordinator on the board is responsible for planning and executing the external communication of the student union across various social media channels and beyond.