Representative body

Representative body

Representative body

Representative body

The Representative body consists of 20 regular members as well as alternate members, who are elected by the students in annual representative body elections. The Representative body convenes for a minimum of three statutory meetings each year. These meetings include the Autumn and Spring meetings, as well as the organizational meeting of the Representative body. The Representative body meetings are open to all VAMOK members.

Duties of the representative body
  • Selects members of the Board.
  • Supervises and guides the activities of the Board.
  • Approves the previous year’s annual report and financial statements.
  • Selects student representatives.
  • Approves the regulations and other guiding documents of the student union.
  • Decides on membership fees.
  • Approves the action plan and budget for the upcoming year.
  • Decides on the guidelines for the activities of the student union.
Representative body elections

The Representative body elections are held annually in accordance with the election regulations in November. In these elections, a new Representative body is chosen for the following calendar year. All VAMOK members are eligible to run and vote in the elections. The elections are conducted as a proportional list election, and the voting method is electronic. The student union’s election board provides an election announcement that informs about the timing of the elections, the nomination period, and the process.

Election call for VAMOK representative body’s election 2023

ELECTION CALL: The election of the representative body will be held 1.-8.11.2023.

Digital candidate nomination form can be found here and founding documents of an electoral union from the VAMOK office 2.10.2023 onwards. You have to return the election documents to the VAMOK office at the latest on 16.10.2023 by 14:00. Each member of VAMOK is allowed to become a candidate and each member is allowed to vote. Please notice that according to the student union’s regulations, the language of the student union and therefore the language of the meetings is Finnish.

More information about the representative body can be found here

Additional information:

The results of VAMOK's Representative body elections 2023

The voter turnout for VAMOK’s Representative Council elections in 2023 was 34.35%. A big thank you to all the voters!

Votes cast: 655

Election results