



VAMOK offers tutoring services to every student starting at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. Tutors serve as support and guides during the first academic year, both in school and during leisure time. They share knowledge and experiences related to everyday matters at the UAS, helping new students adjust to their new environment. Additionally, tutors spend time with study groups and organize joint activities.

How to become a tutor

As a VAMOK member, you have the opportunity to apply to become a student tutor within the student union. The annual tutor recruitment takes place at the beginning of January, and applications are submitted through an electronic form. All applicants go through an interview process during January and February. After the interviews, approximately 90 tutors are selected for the upcoming academic year.

Your application can be directed towards four different tutoring roles: Head Tutor, Finnish Peer Tutor, English Peer Tutor, or Exchange Tutor.

During the spring, selected tutors receive training to prepare them for their upcoming responsibilities.

Tutoring also provides an opportunity to earn study credits.

Head Tutor = 1 credit

Peer Tutor = 3 credits

Exchange Tutor = 2 credits

Duties of a tutor

Head Tutor: Individuals in the role of Head Tutors are the leaders of tutor groups. They often have previous experience as tutors and apply for the role of Head Tutor to bring their expertise to the group.

Finnish Peer Tutor: Commonly referred to as Peer Tutors. As a Peer Tutor, you serve as a guide and mentor to groups of students studying in the daytime programs, along with 3-5 other tutors. Each tutor group is responsible for one Finnish-speaking student group.

English Peer Tutor: English Peer Tutors have responsibilities similar to Finnish Peer Tutors, but they are in charge of guiding and assisting English-speaking student groups at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. All tutoring activities take place in English, providing an excellent opportunity to develop your language skills.

Exchange Tutor: The role of an Exchange Tutor is to help and guide international exchange students arriving at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. This role involves more personalized tasks, starting from the moment the exchange student arrives in Vaasa. Exchange Tutors assist students in adapting to Finnish daily life and their new school environment. Typically, one Exchange Tutor is responsible for guiding 1-3 exchange students.

Tutor Recruitment

Tutor application period is over. New application period in January 2026.